
Tax SpaceX and Blue Origin: No More Free Public Airspace!

Every time a SpaceX or Blue Origin rocket is launched, air traffic controllers make sure that the airspace is clear and that no commercial airplanes are in the way. Their jobs are funded through taxes paid by airlines. Without the controllers there would be a serious risk of collisions.

But guess who isn’t paying their fair share, despite using up a ton of airspace? Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, two of the biggest names in private space travel. Because, unlike airlines, commercial space companies are not required to pay for their launches. But President Biden wants them to start paying.

It’s no surprise these billionaires don’t want their companies, SpaceX and Blue Origin, to pay more taxes, but we’re joining President Biden in calling on these companies to pay their fair share!

These corporations shouldn’t get a free pass when it comes to paying taxes for the use of airspace. We see Musk and the ultra-wealthy like him using all kinds of excuses to dodge their responsibility to pay taxes — but if Musk and Bezos want public goods paid by taxpayers to benefit their private companies, then they need to pay up.

Sign the petition: Urge Congress to make Musk’s SpaceX and Bezos’ Blue Origin pay their fair share of taxes for private space travel!

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